We are 2 weeks into 2020 so I figured it's time to wrap up 2019 and look ahead to new memories in the next year. We'll see how much blogging I get in over the next 11 months. It's going to be a big year with Bailey graduating in May.
This year I jumped back on the social media bandwagon and posted memories to my Instagam account, scrappinmomma . Rather than rewrite all of these special times over the past year, I've decided to do something different for my year-end wrap-up. In a "Table of Contents" style post, these are the Bails 'n Me highlights from 2019. I suppose you could call it 'Our Year On The Gram', with a few blog posts over the past year thrown in.
Trip Out To Indiana State
Bailey Turns 18
Junior Prom
Junior Year
Summer Vacation
Senior Pictures
Panther Reunion 2019
Iowa State Fair
Fall Bucket List
Homecoming 2019
Two Fantastic Shows
Heidi Receives Regents Staff Excellence Award From UNI
On this World Kindness Day, it was pretty surreal to receive the Regents Staff Excellence Award from the University of Northern Iowa. A professor was thoughtful enough to nominate me for this award and I am humbled to receive it. I’m so fortunate to be able to pay back my service to my alma mater. To share this moment with Bailey and my colleague and counterpart, Michelle Holland, was a day I will always remember. One of my favorite quotes of recent is ‘if you can be anything, be kind’. I will continue to strive to live up to the standard I’ve been recognized for today.
Family Christmas
Annual Trip To Mall of America
As you can see, 2019 was quite a year. We truly are blessed.
Bring On 2020!