About Me

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I'm a single mother, never married. Professionally, I am an academic advisor at the University of Northern Iowa. Personally, I enjoy going places and doing things with my daughter, Bailey. I'm also a personal advocate for the March of Dimes.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Living in the Moment

With the buzz of the students on campus gone and our activity calendar somewhat clear for the next couple weeks, it seems strange to have time to do what I want to do. I'm the type of person who needs something to do or I will get bored. This was why 3 complete months off in the summer when I worked as a guidance counselor became boring after the first month. I need to be around people and have something to do. However I also need to remind myself that it's okay to slow down and remember what's really important.

Monday night was Bailey's first softball game. This year the girls are being pitched to, but strikes and balls still do not apply. For some girls, they hit the ball after the 1st or 2nd pitch. But for many, it took 5 or 6 pitches. We live in a society that moves at such a fast rate that it was not surprising to me that parents became irritated when the coaches kept giving the girls chance after chance to try to connect with the ball. For me, I was living in the moment of the slower pace and enjoying it. Even though my child was not connecting on the 1st pitch. Our kids grow up too fast and if we are constantly pushing them through at our rate of speed, we will wonder where the time went. So last night after I picked Bailey up from daycare, we went to the park to practice her softball skills. But the most enjoyable part was when she wanted to go play on the monkey bars and I was just living in that moment.

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