About Me

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I'm a single mother, never married. Professionally, I am an academic advisor at the University of Northern Iowa. Personally, I enjoy going places and doing things with my daughter, Bailey. I'm also a personal advocate for the March of Dimes.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Comic Con

Flashback to June 3, 2018

If there is one thing I have learned as Bailey has gotten older, it is to embrace something new and different.  The world of cosplay was just that for me.  I'm still not at the point of dressing up in cosplay, but Bailey is and that is so fun to see.  She's not afraid to express herself.

I had first heard about Comic Con from my friend Angela at a scrapbooking retreat.  She had attended a convention (Con) in Chicago.  It sounded like the kind of event that Bailey would enjoy.  We found out there was going to be a Con in Des Moines.  With it being so close to home, we decided to check it out.    The experience was a blast!  We walked into a room with vendors throughout the building, displaying really cool merch.  Another section featured artists with their own unique style of artistry.

One of the big draws to the Con is having the chance to sit and listen to panels of Hollywood actors and actresses.  We listened to a panel of Supernatural cast and Iowa's own Elijah Wood.  It's pretty surreal to be in the same room as people who have been on television and in movies.  The panels are really laid back and pretty comical.  You realize they are people, just like us.

One of the main stages of the convention features musicians, magicians and other acts.  Bailey was called to the stage to participate in a magician's act who had been on America's Got Talent.  We also caught Thomas Ian Nicholas (American Pie movies and Rookie of the Year) crank out some music on the entertainment stage.

We had so much fun throughout the entire day and cannot wait to go back.  Like so many experiences we have had together, this is one of the favs. 

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